Zahrina Robertson features regularly in the Media. Enjoy some highlights below…
Featured in and Supported by ...
2024 Zahrina was profiled globally and featured on a Times Square Billboard for her legendary paintings.
WATCH - LIVE - TV MEDIA INTERVIEW Zahrina Robertson - Interviewed on Australian National TV. Channel 10 on the Morning TV Show - Studio 10 by Angela Bishop, Narelda and Tristian McManus.
I’m thrilled to announce that I’ve been featured in a prominent women’s magazine in Australia! It’s an honour to have my work recognized by such a reputable publication. This feature is a testament to the passion and hard work that I’ve poured into my art, and I’m grateful for the opportunity to share my story with a wider audience. Thank you to The Women’s Magazine for this incredible opportunity!
Brand Expert Shines in Business Awards Finalist
Sydney multipreneur Zahrina Robertson, who is known for producing world-class visual assets, has been named a finalist in the North Shore Local Business Awards. []
True Blue Magazine Feature
True Blue Magazine featured Zahrina Robertson over 6 pages sharing her art story. Check out the video…
Radio Interview of Zahrina Robertson
Radio Interview featuring Zahrina Robertson about her upcoming exhibition and art story.
State Minister, David Elliot and Hills Mayor Dr. Michelle Byrne opened the Art On Purpose art gallery exhibition opening of Zahrina Robertson’s Australian art launch. Corporates, Entrepreneurs business leaders, and many more attended the VIP launch of Zahrina Robertson’s Art Online Gallery,
Featured in Trulyaus
I’m excited to share that I have been featured on Trulyaus, a popular blog and news portal in Australia. This feature is a testament to the hard work and dedication we’ve put into My art, and I’m honored to have been recognized by them.
Personal Brand Body Image Stories- Channel Nine TV Interview
Today I was interviewed on National TV for Ch.9 – Channel Nine News to provide my opinion on a personal brand image story hitting the headlines.
This personal brand body story is about an international USA pilates fitness blogger’s personal brand and the tirade of unnecessary abuse she has had to deal with about her own fit appearance.
As a personal brand one needs to grow a thick skin if you are a blogger or any person in the public eye. It’s part and parcel of your journey.
MAGNETIC BRANDING - The Complete Guide for a Brand That Attracts! Book Launch - Zahrina Robertson
Official Book Launch Event of Speaker, Author, Multi Award Winning Photographer and Videographer and Artist.
Zahrina Robertson TV Interview on Ticker TV
Zahrina Robertson Asked by Ticker TV to help people build their brands.
How to Interpret Your Personal Brand Within a Joint Venture.
WATCH NOW – How to Interpret Your Personal Brand Within a Joint Venture Your Speaker and Host Zahrina Robertson.
What is Personal Branding & How to Develop it.
WATCH NOW – What is Personal Branding & How to Develop it. Your Speaker and Host Zahrina Robertson.